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ampliFI Loyalty Solutions

Making Loyalty Rewarding

ampliFI Loyalty Solutions provides fully outsourced, customized credit and debit card loyalty programs exclusively focused on banks and credit unions nationwide.

They currently work with 2,000+ banks and credit unions across the United States. ampliFI’s online rewards portal is a white-label product that their clients’ customers use to redeem loyalty points for rewards like event tickets, merchandise, charitable donations, or even cash.

Project Highlights

Our team developed, tested, and shipped multiple modules over the course of the project.

  • Responsive Layout
  • Branded UI Components
  • Single-Sign-On Login
  • Form Wizard
  • Unsaved Changed Modal
  • Node Proxy Server
  • Remove Data Fetching & Caching
  • Global Data Store


ampliFI’s clients liked their custom-branded rewards portals, but the engineering team had to manually build each one — making scalability difficult. Tandem helped create a solution that empowered ampliFI’s clients to self-service their portal’s branding needs.

At Tandem, we were tasked to:

    • Find opportunities for self-service help on the site to reduce customer support workload.
    • Find opportunities to upsell rewards based on customer segmentation.
    • Reduce the friction for customers as they navigate from site entry to redemption by providing a more modern user experience.
    • Migrate the software from on-premises to the cloud.

Our Process

User and Stakeholder Research

  • Tandems’ multidisciplinary team interviewed 17 stakeholders to gain insight into pain points and opportunities
  • Following the interview phase, we analyzed the findings to gain insight
  • Identified opportunities to improve the experience for ampliFI’s clients and the client’s cardholders

12 Insights

Leveraged insights from user and stakeholder research to inform and prioritize product development for a modernized rewards portal for ampliFi’s clients.

Assessing the Competitive Landscape

The rewards redemption space includes several competitors, but we know consumers aren’t just comparing ampliFI’s rewards portal with other financial websites: Tandem’s product design team dove in to glean best practices from Amazon, Starbucks, Nike, and other consumer giants. By looking outside the industry for benchmarks, we ensured that consumers will get the same high-quality, intuitive experience that they expect from all retail websites.

Reducing Friction with Journey Maps

Working in partnership with ampliFI’s IT team, it became apparent that users were frustrated by the bottlenecks they had to navigate before they could redeem their rewards. To combat that friction, the Tandem team added ways for users to navigate more smoothly from their financial institutions’ homepages directly to the most popular rewards, including cash back. Previously, account holders had to access an online catalog, select “cash back,” and navigate to a checkout page. Now, users can access cash back directly and skip the checkout. Tandem’s software engineers collaborated with the ampliFI development team on API design for 30+ endpoints

User Experience and User Interface

Influenced by our findings from user research, Tandem’s team produced a modern, easily customizable user interface, including features like toggles that can be turned on or off per financial institution based on their offerings and color palette. We established current and future state site maps that evolved with the project and delivered wireframes that brought the design and architecture to a new level — while shaping the timeline and scope.

Created a custom icon library to represent ampliFi’s 7 redemption offerings. The icons are easily recolored to match each financial institution’s individual brand identity.

Redesigned the customer overview portal so tracking redemptions was easy.

Redesigned the checkout flow using up-to-date best practices.

Established a robust and modular component library.

Automatic Accessibility Guardrails

Ensuring accessibility can be tricky when a product is designed for white label use: with clients left to choose their own brand colors and typefaces, they might inadvertently create combinations that lack the contrast needed for accessibility compliance. Tandem’s team created guardrails to give ampliFI’s clients as much flexibility as possible without compromising accessibility. For example, we put color fall-backs in place with built-in warnings when a color combination was problematic.


API Platform Design
Collaborated with ampliFi engineering on API’s for 30+ endpoints.

  • Authentication
  • Sitemap
  • Program Settings
  • Branding
  • Account Data
  • Catalogs
  • Cart
  • Order Placement

Continued Development Plan
Go-to place for documentation geared towards an audience of developers working in the fi-dreampoints-web repository.


Making Loyalty Rewarding

ampliFI’s rewards portal now meets the needs of their clients and their end users. Best of all, by designing the product with whitelabel use front-of-mind, ampliFI no longer has to manually build instances for new clients or updated branding. Now, clients are empowered to self-service their portal to best suit their needs.

Looking for a rewarding partnership?

Let’s collaborate to position your white label software product for growth.

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